Living with a High-functioning ASD son

I have a five year (almost 6) high- functioning ASD son. ASD mean autism spectrum disorder. What H has is Aspergers. He is currently on medication to help him sleep at night and function during the day, with out going completely out there. What I mean by that is, his brain processes and functions faster than he can move or talk out what he is thinking. His medications slow him down enough to process what is going on.

This summer we will be changing his, and our, diet drastically. I will be getting him on a 100% gluten free diet and taking processed food out. That is going to be the hardest part I think. I will be buying a food dryer thing (dehydrator) and making a lot of our own snacks and foods. I am going to keep a log on what he does and how he acts when he eats certain foods. I would like to see him function with out the meds. I am hopeful but understand it may not happen.

2 thoughts on “Living with a High-functioning ASD son

  1. Hi Natalie!
    I have a 7 year old son with high-functioning ASD and I just started blogging cause I think my FB friends are tired of my constant 600 word status updates 🙂 Hope to read more about your journey towards become gluten free.


    • I’m sorry this took so long. thank you for keeping up with this. we have had some crazy stuff that has happened this summer and I’m just breathing..LOL I will be posting more now that I have my iPad back.

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