
Slate’s Table to Farm. #1 seared scallops edition

I’m really wanting to start a CSA in my town. It is a community supported agriculture. You buy a part in the crop and food gets delivered to you every week or two. You can also have an area that every one that is signed up to garden in that area and everyone share. In this podcast they are talking about fishermen and how the government is taking away the licenses to fish. And how to look at fish and when it is better to buy them in the store. They are only allowed to catch so much a day if you want fresh. And I want to live in an area that has fresh fish and fresh veggies all the time.

I think it’s garden time!! I need to find a house with land enough to have a garden area. And some chickens. For eggs, not to eat. I don’t think I could kill an animal. Unless it was a threat to my kiddo’s.

If you have an iPhone this podcast is amazing. I like that they are talking to real people that work in the area they are talking about. They also give you a recipe to make at the end of the podcast. It is a 30-40 minute podcast.

#2 frittata edition is actually about chickens!!! Yeah. I’m getting excited now. I’m really liking this series.

I will post more later.


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