Teaching your children to pray

It’s not that difficult to get your smaller children to talk to you about what is wrong, but to get a teenager to talk to you could be the hardest thing on the earth to do. They will talk to everyone but you about their problems and they might even talk to you a little bit, but the person they need to talk to the most is God. If you start early in life and teach your children to pray it will ease your mind and you will feel better about situations going on..
Teach them to…
Use their own voice They don’t need fancy, spiritual words. Help them learn to talk to God as their loving Father.
Pray on paper Encourage them to write in a prayer journal. Journals are a great way for them to see their journey with God over several months or even years, and remember what He’s done for them.
Pray with a friend There’s power in praying for and with each other. Instead of gossiping or giving advice from their own perspectives, encourage your kids to take it straight to God together. Give them opportunities to practice this.
Pray a Psalm Not sure what to pray? Start with Scripture. Tell your kids to choose a Psalm and pray it out loud from their hearts.

Prayer Starters

Dear God,
I praise You because…
I am so thankful for…
Today I’m really feeling…
I need you most today because…
Something I’m struggling with is…
I really need forgiveness for…
Something stressing me out is…
Something I want to ask You for is…
I want to love You more so I can…

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