“no title”

Husband has been helping out this week because he is on vacation…lol Honey Do List is fast emptying. I’m glad that there are things getting done. Wish we could get more done and I wish that there was also more todo. Like painting and flooring and gutting bathrooms. BUT we might not have to do those things. We are looking at two houses and considering them. One is a rental house that we already know what is wrong with and know what needs to be done and can get it for cheap. The other is a newer build and has “no” updates needed as of right now. We have not had it inspected and we haven’t fully looked at it yet either. There is another plus to the “no-update” house, it is in a neighborhood that a lot of our friends live in. We know a few of the neighbors also. I like that. The neighborhood we are in now isn’t as “good” as the other either. I know it sounds like our minds are made up but they aren’t we have to weigh everything. I’m sure that is what everyone does.

Also, my oldest is now in the Cub Scouts and LOVING it. We have a full calendar due to it and I am glad to say I’m happy we do.

Well that is all for now. I am going to post a little more later tonight when I have kids in bed and asleep. Maybe the husband will leave me alone long enough also…LOL

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