It’s been a little bit…

The DH had a business trip and had to take the iPad with him, so I wan’t able to update anything and then we had our camping trip!! 40 degree weather and “raining!” We still had a lot of fun!
I’m not liking the update they did to the app, I can’t upload pictures as easily as I could before. 😦

We have finally found a house and will/should be moving in by the middle of December. The inspection is tomorrow and I don’t think anything is wrong with it. It is fairly new. AND a four bedroom!!! I know that we will have to paint and put in new flooring at some point, I don’t want to do that till the kids are a little older and don’t mark on the walls. They haven’t done that in a while, BUT if you are a parent you should know that doesn’t always go good…LOL

I will have to play around with this app now that it is updated I have some pictures and crafts to list on here. and I need to figure out how to allow you to print a file that i have for one of the crafts. HMMM I will get on that today. Here soon I will be making more posts about moving and cleaning things and painting and things like that. I will take pictures also…


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