Hot Chocolate, Cold weather and a new painting!!

I made hot chocolate today. The kids asked what I was making and why I was cooking so early. WELL…needless to say they are very happy with the outcome. I made Hot Chocolate, there is a difference in Cocoa and Chocolate. Cocoa is powdered and Chocolate is, well, melted chocolate with milk.



Hot Chocolate Recipe for four people

5 Cups of milk (two and a half in a separate container that can hold all five cups)
One 14oz pkg of Chocolate Candy Melts (found in the baking isle, NOT chocolate chips)
1/8 tsp. Ground Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon

Add 2.5 cups milk and half of your chocolate to a sauce pan, do not boil. On medium low heat stir until chocolate is melted.
Pour in to the other container with the extra milk, stir well. Pour half of that back into the sauce pan and add the rest of the chocolate. While that is getting warm stir in the Nutmeg and Cinnamon to either of the mixes, I like to stir it in the mix that is on the counter. After the mixture on the stove is melted and stirred well, add it to the counter mixture and enjoy!!

Last night I had a lot of fun with the ladies of my Life Group from church. We visited a place called Cross My Art and painted. It’s like paint by numbers for adults. Angela asked what I wanted on my canvas, drew it on there and I painted it. She came back around and touched it up for me afterwards also. We then went to the coffee house and at 10 PM they asked us to leave because they had to close…Needless to say we had a lot of fun last night. I feel very blessed to have those ladies in my life and a husband that will watch the kids when I go and do things like this. It might not be a full vacation but I will take what I can get. LOL

Here is what I painted, it will hang in the kitchen at our new house.


20131109-155338.jpg See how she touched it up in this photo.

I also have some crafty stuff we have done at home for the kids. I made this one for the counter in our kitchen so that when I need a pick-me-up, I can pick this up and read it.
It is normal printer paper for the verses and then scrap booking paper for the pages I glue it on to. I bet you could do some pretty amazing ones with a little more time and items. I got this idea from my MOPS group.





I’m still trying to figure out how I can turn this into a better printing file, but for now here are the verses for the whole thing. I hope y’all enjoy all of this. I will be making another post also. A little more personal.








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