Getting used to it…

So far this month we have moved, gotten Christmas over with, unpacked most things and are now getting used to the “new” house.  H is going a little crazy, for lack of a better word.  He doesn’t like the change that is going on and is worried that his friends won’t be at School when he gets back, all because we moved.  Just a little bit away from the other house.

I cooked for Christmas and let me tell you… it will NOT happen again!!  That was CRAZY, moved one week before Christmas then cooked on Christmas!  NOPE, Nope, NOPE!!!

I know a lot of my stuff is unedited and is jumbled, but I really like it that way, Real life unscripted…I dislike when bloggers spend hours on one blog, why not use this like Twitter or Facebook and just type.  Who cares if it is messy?  Isn’t our life messy?  Well, I gotta get back to unpacking everything that is left and to get it organized.  Trust me, I will start doing my schedule and organizing tips, before and after the whole thing.  I will also post our projects that we are doing.

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