
Wow!!  That is all I can say today.  There are so many changes going on right now.  The name of my blog is one thing.  I finally updated it to our family.  I am also getting organized in a major way. I am a Mary Kay Consultant, AND we are finally getting all the things put away in our new house.  I am excited to say that I will also be blogging more.  Life has been crazy and I have not held up my promise from a year or more ago.  I am sorry!! Please forgive me.  I know that it is easy to get lost in the day to day, but we are letting life pass us by and I for one am not standing for that anymore. 


Currently I am boiling orange peels and let me tell you, THE HOUSE SMELLS great!!! So, I had about 8 oranges that we ate today and I have a garden so a lot of my “scraps” go to the compost, but this time I kept them to boil.  I added about 1 TSP Cinnamon and 1/2 TSP Vanilla Extract.  Now, I also have to say, I was going to boil water tonight anyway, we have really dry air right now.  Arkansas is not suppose to dry out.  LOL

I am about to start my Pantry List and Meal Planning again.  I use this really nifty calendar from Target, it’s a desk calendar that I fill out and has magnets so that I can hang it on the refrigerator.  Yes, I will take pictures when I have it filled out.  I am starting late this year on calendars and I think I will be late every year!! I have two, one for family and one for Mary Kay.  I got them both for $10, normal price would have been close to $40!!!  It’s crazy how they mark things up!!

Okay well, back to the Pantry.  We go shopping for the “staple” items twice a year, yes that means that we have to watch our money and pocket all that we need for this, BUT it saves in the long run.  I will spend $1200 in one trip to Sam’s for all those items and then during the rest of the year I just buy bread, milk, cheese and things that spoil quickly.  This year we will also save more because we are starting our large “kitchen” garden.  That will have so much of what I buy at the Market in it.  I might have to give some away!!  I really need to learn to can stuff… HMMM I feel another blog post coming up!! LOL


Hope you are all doing well!! Have a great day!