WOW!! I just found this “Figuring out a Summer Plan”

Well, I have a new journal that I am using for my entries and in my old one I had written this down.


Oh, planning!! How I love to make plans, change plans, and not stick to plans…LOL

This summer (2014) I am going to stick to it.  We are expecting another little one (I was 13 weeks when this what written) and my boys need things to do!  I want to keep them busy and keep the education going all summer.  I think this summer will be science themed.  We are also taking a few trips — aquarium, zoo, S.D.C., and a few “small town” museums.  A one week family vacation thrown in the mix and we will do great.  Okay, so we did do a lot this summer.  Most of what we did was science themed like I was wanting and we had a lot of just “lazy” days.  We did one week family vacation at S.D.C..  Sad to say we did not get to go to the zoos that I was hoping to go. It was odd, raining or closed. 

I am also cutting down on the meds!!  We are trying to get them out all together.  Gluten Free and Casein Free don’t do all we need and he still has some meds he has to take.  We have dropped a few pills a day, we still have to take 3 pills a day.  I wish we could cut them out.  We have cut out most of the Meds!!! We are on two pills a day, one in the morning and one at night!  I am so happy to say that.  We are also able to eat “normal” foods, mostly!!

Let’s get to this!! We don’t get out of school until mid-June! Snow days.  We are set for Cub Scout week, our family vacation to S.D.C. and a Birthday Party or three.  We will also find out if I’m having a boy or girl.  (IT’S A GIRL!!!)  In July we really have no plans like June… But we will have the oldest one’s birthday and a couple zoo trips.  August we will have only one week before we have to start getting school ready.. I have quite a few photos that I will post on here of the trips and I will have to back track to add some information about them.  We had a blast and I will have to post all the things we did and how we did it!! 

I think we will have a pool party and do a fourth of July party.  I have a few ideas for the summer. LOL. Pinterest is GREAT




Okay, all updated and happy!  More posts to come soon.  I had surgery on my thumb for some kind of cyst and as soon as that is healed better I will be back on.  (Happy Husband helped type this for me)


Yes, I am going to go back to and update this and let you know why we did and didn’t do.  What worked for us and what flopped.  It was in all a very quick and rainy summer for us.

Summer is over!??

Wow!!  That is all I can say.  I didn’t realize that the three months of summer are gone and in two days we start school.  Get ready for the blogging to begin again.  Pregnancy is going good, garden has been torn down, and lunches are being made.  I will blog on all of this with in the next few days.  I have been writing it all down and have a LOT of updating to do on here.  Like I said “GET READY”. Okay that is all for now. 


Hope you enjoy what is coming up…

Craft TIME

I have a few crafts that I am going to post!! We did one in MOPS and I did one here at the house. I am working on two kids chairs that I am excited about. I have finished the table and now the chairs need work. I will update when I have them done. Our crazy life is still moving so fast that I can’t find time for anything…

Love y’all and hope you are all doing well!!!

Summer is over

This is the last weekend of summer for us!! I’m heart broken now, my oldest boy is going in the FIRST GRADE. I can not believe he is 6 and in the first grade. I’m really happy with who his teacher is. She is a great one for us and knows he has Aspergers. She is going to give him a “buddy” in class to help him focus on class. I don’t know how I feel about this. I do want him to succeed and if this is what does it that is fantastic, but I don’t want him feeling like he is different in the same way. I know he needs to grow and learn to be on his own in school, I just feel like he does need this “buddy”. Like I said torn.
I’m also getting a lot of cleaning done this next few weeks. We have a garage full of things that need to be gone through and then…GARAGE SALE!!! I hate them, but I know there is money to be made in them. As we clean out the packed garage I will also be packing for moving soon. I can’t wait for the final say on the date. I’m excited and scared at the same time. It’s going to be a different town, still close to where we are now. A different school, and if you know anything about ASD you know that is a BIG deal. His therapist knows about the change and is already “on call” if anything happens. She is great that way. We now have three ways to get ahold of her and she is very quick to respond when needed. We are doing some new things for him now and that has been helping. We also have him on one pill a day and his nighttime pills, that is a lot less than last year. Gluten free has really been helping him and I can tell a difference in the family when we do happen to have some kind of gluten.
I’m going to be able to focus on this blog a little more also when we get moved and set up. I will post a few things about packing to move soon and how to clean when you move out of a house. There is actually a system to it. And that goes for cleaning before you move into a new place also. It’s really simple and that might be my next blog.

If there is anything you want to read more about from me let me know. I will also be doing some nonprofit reviews soon also. I love to do those. I will randomly pick some things and review them. I like when they are nonprofit because you know I’m not getting paid to say I LOVE or HATE something.

Have fun everyone and hope you have a great weekend…

New house, new school, OT and other stuff

Our crazy life is taking us places again! We are looking at houses and I’m hopefully about to have a new one! I really hope that it is. I know God has a plan for us and I hope that I am not blinded by the world and looking at this all wrong. Moving to a new house means a new school also. With the DB I hope that we can explain it to him and that his ASD doesn’t go crazy. LOL
You should know by now that with ASD we are also going to be doing OT this year. I have to get all the school paperwork and the doctor paperwork and then scout the OT offices to make sure we get into the right one for us. I know there are a lot of different opinions on this. I think that, just like our doctor and therapist we also have to find the right fit for us. I have been doing some OT and PT here at home, it’s not enough in my opinion. I have not been trained in this and do not pretend to be.

Our crazy life is leading us in different directions. If we move that also means I will be finding a new church. (God, can you please guide me in the direction you want our family to go. Thank you!!!) I am just getting really involved in our church where we are now and I hate to move, but I know it is a season in our lives and that if the season is over it is over. We can not make the seasons go longer or stay shorter if we wanted that also.

Okay, as you can see I am all over the place today and have a few things I really want to type and talk about, I have to get my mind settled first… Thank you for understanding and I will either update this post or just write a new post. LOVE Y’ALL

Getting ready for school

So, this time of year we are getting ready to go back to school. I have to get the house in order and get back on the routine of getting up and driving to the school and back home and figure out where is the best parking and drop off area. He will now be in the 1st grade and that means a different door!!! Yeah!

Not only all of that, we are also having to go get all the school supplies and the list is crazy, I don’t understand the “brand” thing. Isn’t a #2 pencil a #2 pencil? Why does brand matter? And not to mention the ridiculous amount of items we have to have. Why do we have to have 6 boxes of crayons? Are they really going to go through 6 BOXES?

I will have to get all this done! I will post more on this subject later…LOL New furniture is here and I’m organizing the house in a different way than before and yes, he is helping with where stuff goes. He knew the other day when he got home from therapy that I had moved the cereal. So, he has to help…LOL

Hidden Gluten

I found out that the bread we have been getting, supposed to be gluten free, ISN’T!!! I have been buying Potato bread. I should have known, it wasn’t marked gluten free but I looked at all the ingredients and I didn’t see any gluten products listed. During my research I found out the company is not gluten free. So the bread might be, but the contaminants in the company might transfer to the bread. Watch what you eat, mainly the company.

The crazy stuff

we are getting my boy on some new meds and the last two weeks have been CRAZY!!!! He has to be free of all meds to make sure the new ones wont be too strong. If you have a little one with ASD then you know what I am talking about…

We are still traveling down the gluten free road and I am learning more and more about the “dangers” of gluten in his diet. It creates an effect in his brain that is compared to a drug addict coming off of the drugs…a little scary.

that is all for now, life is getting back to normal. I will post more later when we get a little more in order.

Menu time!!!

Getting the next two weeks ready!! I’m pulling a lot of meal from the book I’ve been reading “the kid-friendly ADHA & Autism cookbook”. It is wonderful. I can not say how much I like this book!

Okay here is our menu: (at least I think)

Pancakes pg.153
Veggies in disguise muffins pg. 154
Crispy breakfast bars pg. 159
Lemon poppy seed muffins pg. 163
Breakfast sausage pg. 171

Roll-up sandwiches pg. 176
Easy lettuce wrap pg. 176
Beanie weanies pg. 195
Pizza (bought at the nutrition store gluten free, not casein free)
Pasta salad supreme pg. 261

Easy chicken salad pg. 266
Sloppy joes pg. 202
Sweet and spicy chicken pg. 196
Chicken or steak fajitas pg. 191
Chicken fried rice pg. 187

That’s what we are looking at and for two weeks. I’ll have to look at a few other books and add a couple more meals per each. I usually do 7 meals and swap them around so we eat that meal twice in two weeks. Snacks and lunches depend on kids. We might eat the same lunch four days in a row and we might swap it up. I do this so that he can deal and cope with change better in “real” life areas. We also do things like this in the house. Just small things like moving the vase on the table to the counter and keeping a candle on the table. Do I have to swap it back and forth because he moves it? Yes. But he doesn’t have a tantrum anymore about it.

Okay that is all for now. Bye y’all!!

New pool and first sleep over!!

Oldest (almost 6) had his first sleep over tonight!! Both kids fell asleep talking at 9:30!!! It was too funny and very cute.

We also had to get a new pool today and the husband let me get an above ground one that is small but perfect size for the kids. Very excited that I got it all set up and pump running with almost no problems!! The issues we did have where miner, had it almost filled and found out it wasn’t level and had to drain it and move it! THEN we had electrical issues and some water issues. All is well now and kids will have a lot of fun tomorrow, and this summer.

We are going to see a movie with the boys. Hope the theater doesn’t fall down cause of it. Lol

Night all