Summer is over!??

Wow!!  That is all I can say.  I didn’t realize that the three months of summer are gone and in two days we start school.  Get ready for the blogging to begin again.  Pregnancy is going good, garden has been torn down, and lunches are being made.  I will blog on all of this with in the next few days.  I have been writing it all down and have a LOT of updating to do on here.  Like I said “GET READY”. Okay that is all for now. 


Hope you enjoy what is coming up…

Cleaning day?

Well, today is my “top to bottom” cleaning day. I try to get every room dusted and vacuumed for sure and then if I accomplish that I will organize something in that room. With the husband being home it is a lot harder to get somethings done, I am two days behind on laundry…BUT today it will get done. We have nothing going today that I know of.

Here is my weekly cleaning schedule

take out all trash
Wipe down kitchen
Pick up anything that needs to be put up
Make the beds…well, my bed. Kids make theirs
Vacuum and Sweep
littler box (we have a ferret)

I sweep and mop the floors
wipe down walls and cabinets
clean out the fridge
clean the microwave and oven
“Wash” windows

Dust includes celling fans
clean out “store” baskets
clean off tables of clutter

Dust all furniture
Wipe down walls and cabinets this includes the light switches and doors
change all sheets
take out trash

Clean all bathrooms (toilets/ mirror/ tubs)
wash the rugs
clean off the desk and file papers
take out recycling

everything that didn’t get done that I feel needs to be done or just what I notice needs to be done again

I don’t do any major cleaning on the weekends. I will do the daily stuff so that doesn’t pile up.

Summer is over

This is the last weekend of summer for us!! I’m heart broken now, my oldest boy is going in the FIRST GRADE. I can not believe he is 6 and in the first grade. I’m really happy with who his teacher is. She is a great one for us and knows he has Aspergers. She is going to give him a “buddy” in class to help him focus on class. I don’t know how I feel about this. I do want him to succeed and if this is what does it that is fantastic, but I don’t want him feeling like he is different in the same way. I know he needs to grow and learn to be on his own in school, I just feel like he does need this “buddy”. Like I said torn.
I’m also getting a lot of cleaning done this next few weeks. We have a garage full of things that need to be gone through and then…GARAGE SALE!!! I hate them, but I know there is money to be made in them. As we clean out the packed garage I will also be packing for moving soon. I can’t wait for the final say on the date. I’m excited and scared at the same time. It’s going to be a different town, still close to where we are now. A different school, and if you know anything about ASD you know that is a BIG deal. His therapist knows about the change and is already “on call” if anything happens. She is great that way. We now have three ways to get ahold of her and she is very quick to respond when needed. We are doing some new things for him now and that has been helping. We also have him on one pill a day and his nighttime pills, that is a lot less than last year. Gluten free has really been helping him and I can tell a difference in the family when we do happen to have some kind of gluten.
I’m going to be able to focus on this blog a little more also when we get moved and set up. I will post a few things about packing to move soon and how to clean when you move out of a house. There is actually a system to it. And that goes for cleaning before you move into a new place also. It’s really simple and that might be my next blog.

If there is anything you want to read more about from me let me know. I will also be doing some nonprofit reviews soon also. I love to do those. I will randomly pick some things and review them. I like when they are nonprofit because you know I’m not getting paid to say I LOVE or HATE something.

Have fun everyone and hope you have a great weekend…

It’s been a while

I have been really busy this summer and am getting ready for school to start. I am going to be adding alot of things to this blog in the coming months so please be patient. I am going to start doing some video blogs and some really need crafts that anyone can do on a true budget. Not a large one but a normal budget that normal southern families are on. Good will be involved also!!!! So have fun with out me for two more weeks and I will see you soon…

Cleaning your Makeup Brushes

So, I have noticed that my makeup brushes have been neglected lately, it has been about three weeks!!! So here is how I clean my brushes and I do this about every two weeks, I don’t wear a lot of makeup. If you do wear makeup everyday or use your brushes A LOT you really should clean them every week.

Make sure that you have 24 hours to do this. You will want them to be dry before you use them…

What you will need

All brushes

Foaming Face Wash (Neutorgena Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit)

Running Warm Water

Old Towel/One you don’t really care about

Steps to Cleaning Your Brushes (4)

Put a PEA size amount of soap in your hand and soap up your brush bristles. I don’t like getting my bristles wet first because I really think it gets soapier with out them being wet first.

Rinse, RINSE, rinse and rinse again. If you see still see color coming out of the bristles it means you need to wash again.

Squeeze the bristles slightly from end to bristle tip, then lay FLAT. I repeat FLAT. DO NOT dry your brushes standing up, it WILL ruin them.

*If you have cheaper brush sets like I do (Sonia Kashuk and E.L.F) you will want to be very careful washing them because the glue can loosen.

Why I don’t suggest any makeup brush cleaners/shampoos:I have used three different kinds (E.L.F., Bare Escentuals well cared for and Sephora brand Purifying Brush Shampoo) they did not compare to my normal face wash.

Hope this helps you in your beauty travels…Have fun and remember your makeup brushes need to be cleaned just like your face, bacteria and gunk build up on them just as easy…

Cleaning Schedule for a BUSY stay-at-home mommy

Two (2) Loads of Laundry-washed, dried, folded and put away
Quick pick-up-all rooms
Clean Kitchen-dishes washed and put away, wipe down counter tops, clean stovetop

Mop all floors that can be mopped
Clean Refigerator-inside and out

Clean Laundry Room/Mud Room
Clean two rooms or closets-vacuum, dust, organize

Vacuume all rooms
Dust/wipe down house
Clean animal areas

My trash pick up day is Thursday so I also take all trash out to the curb.

Today is catch up day, if for some reason you missed something or something that doesn’t usually get done, today is the day

Deep clean bathrooms
Change ALL bedding

Clean car and/or garage
Clean outside as needed (patio, deck, yard work)

If I have missed something or you need to modify for your own home let me know, I would love to hear how you clean and what days work best for you.