Summer is over!??

Wow!!  That is all I can say.  I didn’t realize that the three months of summer are gone and in two days we start school.  Get ready for the blogging to begin again.  Pregnancy is going good, garden has been torn down, and lunches are being made.  I will blog on all of this with in the next few days.  I have been writing it all down and have a LOT of updating to do on here.  Like I said “GET READY”. Okay that is all for now. 


Hope you enjoy what is coming up…

It’s been a while

I have been really busy this summer and am getting ready for school to start. I am going to be adding alot of things to this blog in the coming months so please be patient. I am going to start doing some video blogs and some really need crafts that anyone can do on a true budget. Not a large one but a normal budget that normal southern families are on. Good will be involved also!!!! So have fun with out me for two more weeks and I will see you soon…


I’m so glad it’s Friday!!! It has been a crazy week and I’m so glad our WOW conference is tomorrow. I will update more later. Gotta get back to cleaning.  Oh, if I can get some more fallowers, I will be doing a giveaway!!! About $100 of very cute items!!!!!! Mail polished, make up samples AND some custom shirts.

Getting ready for summer!

Okay, so it has been a while since I have said anything. Sorry about that.

I have found a REALLY cheep alternative to lotion!!! And it smells good also, Coconut oil! I know right, that is what I was thinking, but I’ve been using it for about a week and I’m hooked. I have really dry skin and have to use strong lotions so that it doesn’t itch and this has worked. I put it on after my shower, at night, and it works all day. If I have to shower twice in a day, like after working out I reapply the oil, BUT you have to be careful of what you put on afterwards, until you get the hang of what is too much, it will leave an oily residue on clothing if you have to much on your skin. Oh, and you can use it on your face also! It is a very good eye make up remover, and a good night time moisturizer. It does not clog pores, or at least not mine and I have adult acne.

Now, another thing I have been using it for is my hair, I bleach, flat iron, curl, blow dry and roll my hair, so it is not in the best condition. About three nights a week I will sock roll my hair with coconut oil as a leave in conditioner. It has worked wonders! I’m impressed. I am currently looking into baking soda as shampoo? I’ve read a few articles about it and now I’m trying to find out more. I will update when I find out more.

I have started a new work out reg. and it has kinda done some things. So, I got an exercise ball and have been working out on it and I’m also doing a 20 minute routine. 20 burpees, 30 jumping jacks, 20 leg lifts (each leg) and 15 squats. I repeat all that till 20 minutes is up. I do 4 minutes of planks on the ball, kinda odd how I do them, legs supported on ball and arms on the floor. I feel a difference but can’t really see one yet.

Well I guess that is all for now. I’ll keep ya updated.