Summer is over!??

Wow!!  That is all I can say.  I didn’t realize that the three months of summer are gone and in two days we start school.  Get ready for the blogging to begin again.  Pregnancy is going good, garden has been torn down, and lunches are being made.  I will blog on all of this with in the next few days.  I have been writing it all down and have a LOT of updating to do on here.  Like I said “GET READY”. Okay that is all for now. 


Hope you enjoy what is coming up…


Wow!!  That is all I can say today.  There are so many changes going on right now.  The name of my blog is one thing.  I finally updated it to our family.  I am also getting organized in a major way. I am a Mary Kay Consultant, AND we are finally getting all the things put away in our new house.  I am excited to say that I will also be blogging more.  Life has been crazy and I have not held up my promise from a year or more ago.  I am sorry!! Please forgive me.  I know that it is easy to get lost in the day to day, but we are letting life pass us by and I for one am not standing for that anymore. 


Currently I am boiling orange peels and let me tell you, THE HOUSE SMELLS great!!! So, I had about 8 oranges that we ate today and I have a garden so a lot of my “scraps” go to the compost, but this time I kept them to boil.  I added about 1 TSP Cinnamon and 1/2 TSP Vanilla Extract.  Now, I also have to say, I was going to boil water tonight anyway, we have really dry air right now.  Arkansas is not suppose to dry out.  LOL

I am about to start my Pantry List and Meal Planning again.  I use this really nifty calendar from Target, it’s a desk calendar that I fill out and has magnets so that I can hang it on the refrigerator.  Yes, I will take pictures when I have it filled out.  I am starting late this year on calendars and I think I will be late every year!! I have two, one for family and one for Mary Kay.  I got them both for $10, normal price would have been close to $40!!!  It’s crazy how they mark things up!!

Okay well, back to the Pantry.  We go shopping for the “staple” items twice a year, yes that means that we have to watch our money and pocket all that we need for this, BUT it saves in the long run.  I will spend $1200 in one trip to Sam’s for all those items and then during the rest of the year I just buy bread, milk, cheese and things that spoil quickly.  This year we will also save more because we are starting our large “kitchen” garden.  That will have so much of what I buy at the Market in it.  I might have to give some away!!  I really need to learn to can stuff… HMMM I feel another blog post coming up!! LOL


Hope you are all doing well!! Have a great day!

Getting used to it…

So far this month we have moved, gotten Christmas over with, unpacked most things and are now getting used to the “new” house.  H is going a little crazy, for lack of a better word.  He doesn’t like the change that is going on and is worried that his friends won’t be at School when he gets back, all because we moved.  Just a little bit away from the other house.

I cooked for Christmas and let me tell you… it will NOT happen again!!  That was CRAZY, moved one week before Christmas then cooked on Christmas!  NOPE, Nope, NOPE!!!

I know a lot of my stuff is unedited and is jumbled, but I really like it that way, Real life unscripted…I dislike when bloggers spend hours on one blog, why not use this like Twitter or Facebook and just type.  Who cares if it is messy?  Isn’t our life messy?  Well, I gotta get back to unpacking everything that is left and to get it organized.  Trust me, I will start doing my schedule and organizing tips, before and after the whole thing.  I will also post our projects that we are doing.

It’s been a little bit…

The DH had a business trip and had to take the iPad with him, so I wan’t able to update anything and then we had our camping trip!! 40 degree weather and “raining!” We still had a lot of fun!
I’m not liking the update they did to the app, I can’t upload pictures as easily as I could before. 😦

We have finally found a house and will/should be moving in by the middle of December. The inspection is tomorrow and I don’t think anything is wrong with it. It is fairly new. AND a four bedroom!!! I know that we will have to paint and put in new flooring at some point, I don’t want to do that till the kids are a little older and don’t mark on the walls. They haven’t done that in a while, BUT if you are a parent you should know that doesn’t always go good…LOL

I will have to play around with this app now that it is updated I have some pictures and crafts to list on here. and I need to figure out how to allow you to print a file that i have for one of the crafts. HMMM I will get on that today. Here soon I will be making more posts about moving and cleaning things and painting and things like that. I will take pictures also…


HOME!!! Finally…

I don’t know where the month has gone! I have been busy. We had a death in the family, two weeks of Dad being off work, and then a reunion and that also includes the shutdown. I have been going crazy!! I keep trying to play catch up and well…it doesn’t really work well right now. Keeping the house clean with a two year old is busy work also. He is such a helper and at the same time he isn’t. I’m sure if you have kids you know what I mean. Coffee is my best friend right now. AND THE RAIN!!! Ohhh, the rain. I’m glad we are getting it but dang, it’s a lot and keeps us inside. Where I live there is really now “indoor” activities. There are a few places, but price is crazy and I refuse to pay for something like that. I’m getting the house “super” clean this week. I do this about every two months. I will go room to room and shampoo carpets and “sweep” the ceilings and wash the curtains. I will post a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule once I get the computer fixed and Word back going. I just haven’t had time.

ALSO I am getting a 1/4 Steer in November, I will post a few things about that. We are also getting a good supply of beans going. This week I am going to get some containers to keep them in. I am starting a small “stalk” pile of things. I don’t want to go crazy with it, just to make sure we have a good stalk of food and other necessities. After looking at all the Government stuff happening I think we all should have a little pile of food and supplies. I will also be getting a 72 hour emergency box ready. I will have food and the other things in it.

We are also in Cub Scouts now and that means some posts about it also…

Hope we can get this going, now I’m off to moving curtains and getting windows cleaned…

“no title”

Husband has been helping out this week because he is on vacation…lol Honey Do List is fast emptying. I’m glad that there are things getting done. Wish we could get more done and I wish that there was also more todo. Like painting and flooring and gutting bathrooms. BUT we might not have to do those things. We are looking at two houses and considering them. One is a rental house that we already know what is wrong with and know what needs to be done and can get it for cheap. The other is a newer build and has “no” updates needed as of right now. We have not had it inspected and we haven’t fully looked at it yet either. There is another plus to the “no-update” house, it is in a neighborhood that a lot of our friends live in. We know a few of the neighbors also. I like that. The neighborhood we are in now isn’t as “good” as the other either. I know it sounds like our minds are made up but they aren’t we have to weigh everything. I’m sure that is what everyone does.

Also, my oldest is now in the Cub Scouts and LOVING it. We have a full calendar due to it and I am glad to say I’m happy we do.

Well that is all for now. I am going to post a little more later tonight when I have kids in bed and asleep. Maybe the husband will leave me alone long enough also…LOL


I have updated my iPad and iPhone and now…well, as usual I don’t like it. I really don’t like this as an app now. It is like with every update that is done you have to relearn everything on it. I am not techie at all…

I am about to start posting some newer stuff. Some is homeschooling, some is craft stuff, food stuff, and getting a prepared area ready for disasters.

We had a death in the family, so if I don’t add this for a little bit I hope that you understand. Thank you and love all of you…

Needing a day…

I just looked at my blog and realized I need to update somethings…One day soon, when my hubby is off work, I will get him to help me update this blog and make it easier to find posts and read more about us. I am about to add some things also. I’m not “smart” when it comes to setting up my blog so he HAS to help me. LOL I really want to get this going and make it look good for all of my readers. If you have any suggestions let me know and I will add stuff. I want to keep this clean and free of adds, I know at some point I would like to have adds but I don’t want to have it all crowded like some blogs I see. Okay, good night all it is late here.


Well, I said in my last post that I would tell you somethings and to be honest I don’t remember. I have had some heavy blows the last few days and some very strong realizations. I am going to make this a long post. Sit down, grab a cup of coffee or tea and prepare yourself for the ride of crazy emotions and hopefully some help from God on situations in your life.

First, we didn’t get the house. SO no “new” house for us…YET!! I was heartbroken today, not only from finding out we didn’t get it but after stressing the past few days about it I had built myself up so high and had “all my hopes” in this one house. I have put a few things on hold and have lost a few really good, opportunities due to putting things on hold…ALL for a house!! My poor husband has also had to deal with the ups and downs of crazy here lately. Here is where God steps in. We have been looking for “The” house for about 2 years now…yes 2 YEARS!! So, I am upset and stressed and downright in a bad mood. I start reading my devotion today, it really had nothing to do with the situation at hand but reminded me to sit and pray and let God do his thing. I had an overwhelming peace come over me and a calm. AND THEN!!!! Not one, not two BUT NINE, yes 9 houses showed up in our search that had not been there or noticed before and all the weight was gone and I felt God tell me there are more. Do not worry about the one you didn’t get, realize there are more. Then something hit me, and I mean HIT ME!! It was a two year old, by the way. That, I’m guessing, was just to drive the point home. There are things in our life that we can not control as much as we try to control them, if we give it over to God, it all seems to fall into place. I know I have heard that my entire life, let it go to God…just let it go. You always seem to not be able to let it go the entire way. It is very hard to let it go. I promise I have a problem letting it go. Well, to day I let it go and it was a fantastic feeling. So…

On to something new I’m doing that I think is helping. I have started a very simple way of studying the Bible. I got some notebook paper and when I read a verse I write it down and comment on it. I have about 5 pages so far and started yesterday really. I will put a part of that on here at the end.

I really miss some of my friends this week. I know the kids are getting ready for school and we are in a new area and that is just how it goes I guess. I hope that MOPS will lead to some good things this year and some lasting friendships.

Okay, like I said all over the place lately…here is how I’m doing my Bible study. I don’t have a reading plan or anything like that. Just got a notebook and am taking notes. You really understand more and concentrate more. Here is a small clip of what I do with my Bible study…


New house, new school, OT and other stuff

Our crazy life is taking us places again! We are looking at houses and I’m hopefully about to have a new one! I really hope that it is. I know God has a plan for us and I hope that I am not blinded by the world and looking at this all wrong. Moving to a new house means a new school also. With the DB I hope that we can explain it to him and that his ASD doesn’t go crazy. LOL
You should know by now that with ASD we are also going to be doing OT this year. I have to get all the school paperwork and the doctor paperwork and then scout the OT offices to make sure we get into the right one for us. I know there are a lot of different opinions on this. I think that, just like our doctor and therapist we also have to find the right fit for us. I have been doing some OT and PT here at home, it’s not enough in my opinion. I have not been trained in this and do not pretend to be.

Our crazy life is leading us in different directions. If we move that also means I will be finding a new church. (God, can you please guide me in the direction you want our family to go. Thank you!!!) I am just getting really involved in our church where we are now and I hate to move, but I know it is a season in our lives and that if the season is over it is over. We can not make the seasons go longer or stay shorter if we wanted that also.

Okay, as you can see I am all over the place today and have a few things I really want to type and talk about, I have to get my mind settled first… Thank you for understanding and I will either update this post or just write a new post. LOVE Y’ALL