Crying baby.

I feel like the title says it all. But, 10 month old, teething and has learned to stand in the crib. No sleeping for us till he calms down and falls asleep himself. 😦 
Now, my other darling son, he can fall asleep anywhere! Tonight is movie night, how too train your dragon, again! So goodbye for now!

What I’m planning


I’m so glad it’s Friday!!! It has been a crazy week and I’m so glad our WOW conference is tomorrow. I will update more later. Gotta get back to cleaning.  Oh, if I can get some more fallowers, I will be doing a giveaway!!! About $100 of very cute items!!!!!! Mail polished, make up samples AND some custom shirts.


I’m still getting things ready for summer,  it is all coming along. I will be organizing and getting things packed for yard sales and ready to give away, if not sold. I’m ready to down grade so badly.
I will be crafting soon and getting summer lessons ready for my kiddos. Ill post when I have them.