Hot Chocolate, Cold weather and a new painting!!

I made hot chocolate today. The kids asked what I was making and why I was cooking so early. WELL…needless to say they are very happy with the outcome. I made Hot Chocolate, there is a difference in Cocoa and Chocolate. Cocoa is powdered and Chocolate is, well, melted chocolate with milk.



Hot Chocolate Recipe for four people

5 Cups of milk (two and a half in a separate container that can hold all five cups)
One 14oz pkg of Chocolate Candy Melts (found in the baking isle, NOT chocolate chips)
1/8 tsp. Ground Nutmeg
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon

Add 2.5 cups milk and half of your chocolate to a sauce pan, do not boil. On medium low heat stir until chocolate is melted.
Pour in to the other container with the extra milk, stir well. Pour half of that back into the sauce pan and add the rest of the chocolate. While that is getting warm stir in the Nutmeg and Cinnamon to either of the mixes, I like to stir it in the mix that is on the counter. After the mixture on the stove is melted and stirred well, add it to the counter mixture and enjoy!!

Last night I had a lot of fun with the ladies of my Life Group from church. We visited a place called Cross My Art and painted. It’s like paint by numbers for adults. Angela asked what I wanted on my canvas, drew it on there and I painted it. She came back around and touched it up for me afterwards also. We then went to the coffee house and at 10 PM they asked us to leave because they had to close…Needless to say we had a lot of fun last night. I feel very blessed to have those ladies in my life and a husband that will watch the kids when I go and do things like this. It might not be a full vacation but I will take what I can get. LOL

Here is what I painted, it will hang in the kitchen at our new house.


20131109-155338.jpg See how she touched it up in this photo.

I also have some crafty stuff we have done at home for the kids. I made this one for the counter in our kitchen so that when I need a pick-me-up, I can pick this up and read it.
It is normal printer paper for the verses and then scrap booking paper for the pages I glue it on to. I bet you could do some pretty amazing ones with a little more time and items. I got this idea from my MOPS group.





I’m still trying to figure out how I can turn this into a better printing file, but for now here are the verses for the whole thing. I hope y’all enjoy all of this. I will be making another post also. A little more personal.








Crock-Pot Roast

I love this time of year! Roast and Chili time! Today I am making an old family recipe for a roast. I use a 2-3 LB. roast for this. There are four in our family and it will feed us, with enough left over to take over to my mom.

I have a new crock-pot, digital!! WOOT So here ya’ go!

1 (2-3 LB.) Roast
2 (14 oz) cans Cream Mushroom soup
1 1/4 Cup Water
1 (1 oz.) pkg. Onion Soup mix
2 (14 oz) cans Carrots
5 Large Potatoes
2 (14 oz.) cans Green Beans, drained

I usually get a really good deal on Roast, when it is on sale I can get a 7-9 Lb. for $11. Really good deal, like I said. I use canned veggies for this because I use the juices from the can with the carrots and they get added with the potatoes and Roast at the beginning. So here you go, the way to cook it…LOL

Mix the Cream of Mushroom Soup, Onion Soup Mix, and water together in a bowl. Cut your Potatoes up in to fourths then about one inch slices from there. Open the cans of Carrots. Put in your roast, then the potatoes around the edge, then the cans of carrots with the juices. After that is in there add the Soup mix on top. Cook for 4-6 hours on high or 8 hours on low. (Cook time depends on your type of Crock-Pot) About 30-45 minutes before you serve this up add the two cans of green-beans. I like to serve this over rice.

I have two smallerish children and they eat this up. My oldest (6 1/2) son loves it and usually has two bowls of it. Like I said earlier there is always enough left over to take to my mom. If you send lunch with a kid, or take it your self it is also really good reheated. I have a thermos style soup bowl that I pack a little in for my son the next day for lunch also. Hope y’all enjoy this as much as we do.


It’s been a little bit…

The DH had a business trip and had to take the iPad with him, so I wan’t able to update anything and then we had our camping trip!! 40 degree weather and “raining!” We still had a lot of fun!
I’m not liking the update they did to the app, I can’t upload pictures as easily as I could before. 😦

We have finally found a house and will/should be moving in by the middle of December. The inspection is tomorrow and I don’t think anything is wrong with it. It is fairly new. AND a four bedroom!!! I know that we will have to paint and put in new flooring at some point, I don’t want to do that till the kids are a little older and don’t mark on the walls. They haven’t done that in a while, BUT if you are a parent you should know that doesn’t always go good…LOL

I will have to play around with this app now that it is updated I have some pictures and crafts to list on here. and I need to figure out how to allow you to print a file that i have for one of the crafts. HMMM I will get on that today. Here soon I will be making more posts about moving and cleaning things and painting and things like that. I will take pictures also…


HOME!!! Finally…

I don’t know where the month has gone! I have been busy. We had a death in the family, two weeks of Dad being off work, and then a reunion and that also includes the shutdown. I have been going crazy!! I keep trying to play catch up and well…it doesn’t really work well right now. Keeping the house clean with a two year old is busy work also. He is such a helper and at the same time he isn’t. I’m sure if you have kids you know what I mean. Coffee is my best friend right now. AND THE RAIN!!! Ohhh, the rain. I’m glad we are getting it but dang, it’s a lot and keeps us inside. Where I live there is really now “indoor” activities. There are a few places, but price is crazy and I refuse to pay for something like that. I’m getting the house “super” clean this week. I do this about every two months. I will go room to room and shampoo carpets and “sweep” the ceilings and wash the curtains. I will post a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule once I get the computer fixed and Word back going. I just haven’t had time.

ALSO I am getting a 1/4 Steer in November, I will post a few things about that. We are also getting a good supply of beans going. This week I am going to get some containers to keep them in. I am starting a small “stalk” pile of things. I don’t want to go crazy with it, just to make sure we have a good stalk of food and other necessities. After looking at all the Government stuff happening I think we all should have a little pile of food and supplies. I will also be getting a 72 hour emergency box ready. I will have food and the other things in it.

We are also in Cub Scouts now and that means some posts about it also…

Hope we can get this going, now I’m off to moving curtains and getting windows cleaned…

Bible study today

I was reading my “study” and realized it was all about designer stuff. How we have to have to best stuff. When we start to look at our spiritual life do we have the best? No, most of the time we don’t. We flip flop all around like a fish out of water. Always wanting more and always moving around. We are not satisfied with the deep thoughts we are all wanting to come and go and leave quick. Self-help books are all about “this is the easiest and fastest” , food, fashion, cars, electronics all of it is that way. I have become that way. I don’t know about you, but I want to slow down and have God guide me. To do that I have to listen better to what he says to do, that means going deep into His word and what He want’s. NOT what I want. NOT what my family wants. WHAT GOD WANTS…

I am done for now. I have quite a few things to do now that the husband is going back to work after being off for a week. I can get house cleaning done again!!! Still have a really busy week ahead of me…every night is full and a few days are also…

“no title”

Husband has been helping out this week because he is on vacation…lol Honey Do List is fast emptying. I’m glad that there are things getting done. Wish we could get more done and I wish that there was also more todo. Like painting and flooring and gutting bathrooms. BUT we might not have to do those things. We are looking at two houses and considering them. One is a rental house that we already know what is wrong with and know what needs to be done and can get it for cheap. The other is a newer build and has “no” updates needed as of right now. We have not had it inspected and we haven’t fully looked at it yet either. There is another plus to the “no-update” house, it is in a neighborhood that a lot of our friends live in. We know a few of the neighbors also. I like that. The neighborhood we are in now isn’t as “good” as the other either. I know it sounds like our minds are made up but they aren’t we have to weigh everything. I’m sure that is what everyone does.

Also, my oldest is now in the Cub Scouts and LOVING it. We have a full calendar due to it and I am glad to say I’m happy we do.

Well that is all for now. I am going to post a little more later tonight when I have kids in bed and asleep. Maybe the husband will leave me alone long enough also…LOL

Cleaning day?

Well, today is my “top to bottom” cleaning day. I try to get every room dusted and vacuumed for sure and then if I accomplish that I will organize something in that room. With the husband being home it is a lot harder to get somethings done, I am two days behind on laundry…BUT today it will get done. We have nothing going today that I know of.

Here is my weekly cleaning schedule

take out all trash
Wipe down kitchen
Pick up anything that needs to be put up
Make the beds…well, my bed. Kids make theirs
Vacuum and Sweep
littler box (we have a ferret)

I sweep and mop the floors
wipe down walls and cabinets
clean out the fridge
clean the microwave and oven
“Wash” windows

Dust includes celling fans
clean out “store” baskets
clean off tables of clutter

Dust all furniture
Wipe down walls and cabinets this includes the light switches and doors
change all sheets
take out trash

Clean all bathrooms (toilets/ mirror/ tubs)
wash the rugs
clean off the desk and file papers
take out recycling

everything that didn’t get done that I feel needs to be done or just what I notice needs to be done again

I don’t do any major cleaning on the weekends. I will do the daily stuff so that doesn’t pile up.


I have updated my iPad and iPhone and now…well, as usual I don’t like it. I really don’t like this as an app now. It is like with every update that is done you have to relearn everything on it. I am not techie at all…

I am about to start posting some newer stuff. Some is homeschooling, some is craft stuff, food stuff, and getting a prepared area ready for disasters.

We had a death in the family, so if I don’t add this for a little bit I hope that you understand. Thank you and love all of you…

Craft TIME

I have a few crafts that I am going to post!! We did one in MOPS and I did one here at the house. I am working on two kids chairs that I am excited about. I have finished the table and now the chairs need work. I will update when I have them done. Our crazy life is still moving so fast that I can’t find time for anything…

Love y’all and hope you are all doing well!!!


Getting ready for MOPS to start. If you aren’t familiar with MOPS, it is Mothers of Preschoolers. It is a mommy group that is wonderful. We meet twice a month and have a two hour mommy time. We learn about a lot of stuff. We will be doing some things this year that I am really excited about.

Cooking, organizing, fashion show, crafts and FOOD!! Just to name a few.

This year I am gaming Coordinator and I have a few really fun games planned. I am going to have to take pictures and upload how to play on here.

M&M game
Beach Ball game
Picture game
Memory game

I will get on this and add them soon. Have fun today and I will blog later…